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Turn your business data into real-time usable information

SpecVets B.I. (business intelligence) gives you the ability to take the data you collect in SpecVet and easily generate reports, graphs and charts. The interface is easy to use, especially if you have knowledge in Microsoft Excel and already know how to generate reports. No complex sql queries or confusing report builders. Share your reports with your management team, staff and doctors. Publish your reports to the web via private links or embed them in your website. SpecVet data reports and charts are interactive (not static), and are filterable/sortable by date, departments, locations and more.
Imagine the hours your management team invests in generating even the most basic reports. By the time they are generated, your reports are often already weeks or even months old! Using SpecVet you can set-up your reports one time and they are always current. Don't spend the time generating the reports you need; spend your time analyzing the data while improving and understanding your practice.
"The thing I love most about SpecVet would be the business intelligence being able to have real-time numbers, understanding the business, understanding patient wait times and being to able to automate charges is important because then it gives  my technicians, my doctors more time focusing on the patients then documenting things and putting things in invoices."
— Corey Korinko, Operations Manager, Avets – Allegheny Veterinary Emergency Trauma & Specialty

Key Features

  • Web-based B.I. data engine
  • View your KPI or other management reports from anywhere, including mobile devices
  • Reports are interactive - not static
  • Don't print, copy or email your management reports... Share your reports via our web interface
  • Set up reports one time; not each week or month.Your data is always current and automatically available

Sample Interactive Reports

Visit Admits x Day x Hour
Referral Source Pie Chart
Visit# and Average $/Visit
DVM Billing x Quarter
Billing x Service
RDVM Referral Reports
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